Happy Farmily

Knowing When To Let Go

Episode Summary

Recent farm life experiences got us thinking: knowing when to let go isn't just crucial in the barnyard; it's a valuable skill for navigating real life too.

Episode Notes

This topic has been on our minds lately: the art of knowing when to let go.

When we first ventured into farm life, we were bursting with excitement and ambition, eager to take on everything that came our way. One of our dreams? Alpacas. I mean, who could resist those adorable, fluffy creatures? So, naturally, we got some! But, as we soon discovered, raising alpacas isn't all sunshine and rainbows. 

Despite having a top-notch vet by our side, we faced heartbreak as several of our alpacas fell ill and passed away, leaving one, Opal, alone. It was a tough call, but we knew it was time to let go. So, after seven years, we said our goodbyes to Percy and found a new home for Opal. 

Our farm life experiences got us thinking: knowing when to let go isn't just crucial in the barnyard; it's a valuable skill for navigating real life too.

Whether it's a business venture, a relationship, or a personal project, sometimes holding on too tightly can do more harm than good. We've learned the hard way that recognizing our limits and knowing when to say no or walk away is essential for our well-being.

In this episode, we're getting real about our own struggles with letting go and sharing some hard-earned wisdom along the way.

So, join us as we explore the art of knowing when to say, "This isn't working," and how to find the courage to let go. 

We also love to hear from you! Ask us anything about this topic. And if you don’t mind, we will share and discuss it anonymously on this podcast with fellow listeners! Text your question or message to (310) 879-8441.

If you like this episode and know of someone who needs to hear it, help us get this message out to improve people’s personal lives and foster healthy relationships!



1. Pre-order my new book - Simple Country Living - From how to start a garden to garden-to-table recipes, tips, and family activities, you’ll reduce waste, save money, and harness new skills and be able to live the “simple country life” no matter where you live.

2. Read more: A beginner’s guide to caring for alpacas

3. Read more: How to integrate new animals on your farm

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